Tenant Contract Termination Letter

A tenant contract termination letter is an official document that a landlord or property owner sends to their tenants to inform them that their lease agreement will come to an end on a specific date. The termination letter marks the end of the tenant-landlord relationship and outlines the necessary steps that a tenant needs to take before vacating the property. In this article, we will discuss what a typical tenant contract termination letter entails, what you should include, and some tips to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

What to include in a tenant contract termination letter?

When drafting a tenant contract termination letter, it`s important to keep it simple, clear, and concise. Here are some essential elements that you should include:

1. Date: Begin your letter by including the date when you are writing the letter.

2. Tenant’s name and address: Address the letter to the tenant and include their address.

3. Termination date: Indicate the date when the lease agreement will end.

4. Explanation: Briefly explain why you are terminating the lease agreement. For instance, it could be because you are selling or renovating the property.

5. Notice period: Outline the notice period required for the tenant to vacate the property. This may depend on the state you are in, but a 30-day notice period is standard.

6. Move-out instructions: Include instructions on how the tenant should return the property. This may involve the condition the property should be left in, the return of keys, and any other requirements.

7. Contact information: Provide the tenant with a way to reach you in case they have any questions or concerns.

Tips to ensure the process goes smoothly

1. Be polite and professional: When drafting the tenant contract termination letter, keep your language polite and professional. The letter is a formal communication, and the tone should reflect that.

2. Follow the lease agreement: Before drafting the letter, ensure that you are following the lease agreement`s terms and conditions. If you are unsure, you can always consult an attorney.

3. Give enough notice: Ensure that you give sufficient notice to the tenant to avoid any confusion or legal issues from arising.

4. Check with local laws: State laws governing lease termination vary. It`s essential to ensure that you are following the state laws that apply to you.

5. Have a plan: After sending out the letter, have a plan on how you will handle any disputes or issues that may arise.


Terminating a tenant`s lease agreement can be a stressful process for both tenants and landlords. However, with the right information and approach, it can be a more manageable process. By including the essential elements in the tenant contract termination letter and following the tips highlighted above, you can ensure that the process goes smoothly.