Agent Contractuel Fonction Publique Retraite

As a professional, I understand the importance of creating high-quality content that is both informative and optimized for search engines. That is why I have written this article on the topic of “agent contractuel fonction publique retraite,” which is a term that refers to retirement benefits for contract employees in the public sector.

If you are a contract employee working in the public sector in France, you may have questions about your retirement benefits. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system and answer some common questions that contract employees may have.

What is the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system?

The agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system is a retirement plan for contract employees who work in the public sector in France. It is designed to provide retirement benefits to these employees, similar to what regular civil servants receive.

Under this system, contract employees are entitled to a retirement pension that is based on their years of service and their salary level. The pension is calculated using a formula that takes into account the employee`s average salary over the last six months of employment, as well as the number of years worked.

In addition to the pension, contract employees may also be eligible for other retirement benefits, such as a lump-sum payment or early retirement options.

Who is eligible for the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system?

To be eligible for the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system, you must meet certain criteria. First and foremost, you must be a contract employee who works for the public sector in France. This includes employees who work for government agencies, local authorities, and public hospitals.

In addition, you must have worked for a certain number of years to be eligible for the pension. The exact number of years varies depending on your age, but generally, you must have worked for at least 10 years to qualify for the pension.

How is the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system funded?

The agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system is funded by contributions from both the employee and the employer. The employee`s contribution is deducted from their salary each month, while the employer`s contribution is paid directly to the retirement fund.

The amount of contribution varies depending on the employee`s salary and the type of contract they have. However, in general, the employee`s contribution is around 10% of their salary, while the employer`s contribution is around 25%.


In summary, the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system is an important retirement plan for contract employees who work in the public sector in France. It provides retirement benefits to these employees based on their years of service and salary level, and is funded by contributions from both the employee and the employer.

If you are a contract employee in the public sector in France, it is important to understand your retirement benefits and how they are calculated. By understanding the agent contractuel fonction publique retraite system, you can plan ahead for your retirement and ensure that you receive the benefits you are entitled to.